Applying a trademark registration cannot be done clumsily. There are things you should consider and take into account. If you are doing it clumsily or even without less preparation, it might end up with you losing only money and effort while not having anything in return. To prevent that possibility, check these essential tips while applying a trademark registration Indonesia
Applying Trademark Registration Indonesia, What Can You Do?
As have been said, to decrease the possibility of applying for result-less trademark registration, you can try things below here. Not only to prepare the important document and data to support your plea, but also the delicate process of observing and submitting. Check this out!
1. Observe more about the brand
It is very important to observe as much as possible about your brand or any brand that has similar characteristics. This is a must step to avoid being rejected for the DGIP of Indonesia because other similar brands make their trademark established first. This could happen due to Indonesia’s system of trademark registration. To observe the brand, you can easily check on google or ask the professionals with qualified information.
2. The terms of the plea
It is important to make sure you have all the essentials of a plea beforehand. Avoid being spontaneous because you can find all the information about terms on google. Here are a few basics of them:
● The identity of the brand owner
● The identity card of the owner that is in copied form
● At least 30 examples of the brand goods
● A list of goods and services provided by the brand
● Attorney letters (optional)
3. Regularly check on the updates of the formal and substantive reconnaissance.
For the formal reconnaissance, the DGIP will likely need almost 2 months before contacting you if there is any document you have not submitted yet. While then, substantive reconnaissance only needs almost 1 month before another contact for further information. But this is the longest approximate time. You will have to recheck on your mail (or email, if you submitted the data online) regularly.
Should You Be Worried If the DGIP Rejected You?
If the DGIP rejected your proposal, there are few things you can do to still fight for your brand establishment.
1. Fill in the objection if you need to.
In ten days after the approval mail arrived, you will see the brand of yours sitting in an official trademark report. This announcement will last only around three months; therefore, it is the only chance you have to fill in an objection if you feel you have to.
2. Last chance to fight for your brand certificate
This is why you need to observe before applying for a brand trademark registration. Just in case the DGIP rejected your proposal, you can fill in an objection to make them reconsider your brand trademark (of course if you have any proof that your brand is autonomous and original). It takes about two months of taking accountability before finally releasing your brand trademark certificate officially.
And, that is it! Few tips to proposing a trademark registration in Indonesia that increase the possibility of having your brand trademarked.
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